Don’t step too close to the edge.

“It’s a little chilly isn’t it”. Standing on top of a mountain overlooking what i can only describe as water heaven, we were head to toe in thermals and waterproof gear. October in Iceland is just the start of their winter and we were prepared. Prepared in the clothing department, not prepared however, at how breathtaking this view would be. The Gullfoss waterfall is located in the canyon of Hvítá river, south west Iceland.

We were 3 days into our Arctic Circle adventure and this was the ‘big one’ for me. The shear size of the waterfall was enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. Walking down towards the main viewing area was a bit nerve-racking. The ground was icy and there were a few people having trouble walking in a straight line; but don’t let that put you off. The end result is definitely worth the walk. You hear the water before you see the mighty river running down and over the edge of the 105ft canyon.

The 2 massive drops form a staircase effect, creating the mist from the glacial water flowing towards the larger drop. The waterfall has in the past, had proposals to utilize it for electricity. Even though this never came to light, you definitely get an electrifying feeling just by looking at it.

People were taking pictures of every angle, there were the brave guys that climbed on top of the rocks hanging over the water to get that all important shot; of course, i was one of them. The natural curiosity of a human; even when it could be classed as dangerous, never falters, we always want to test our limits. Some of the guys on the edge were definitely pushing it. That being said, standing near the edge and looking over i could see for miles, endless landscape, it was spectacular.

After months of planning to visit this place; researching photographs of this natural wonder, standing on top of it somehow slowed time, i felt completely immersed in it. Seeing something like this brought a sense of clarity, something so big, so uplifting and so powerful, made everything else feel so small. I knew before going to Iceland that i would leave wanting more, 7 days in such a vast, open environment was just not enough. Being outside, exploring a new place, learning new things, about the history and culture is what traveling is all about. I had never thought a cold country would suit me for a holiday, how wrong i was; which proves the saying ‘don’t knock it, till you’ve tried it’.

A week in this beautiful country was just enough, for an introduction. I’ll be back.
